The wild unknown animal spirit (pocket editie)- Kim Krans


De Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Set bied je de kans om connectie te maken met jouw spirituele verbinding met het dierenrijk. Elke kaart uit het deck geeft één van de 63 spirit animals weer die je inspiratie en nieuwe inzichten kunnen brengen. Met het handboek lees je over de eigenschappen van elk spirit animal en de verborgen wijsheden die zij van nature in zich hebben.

Deze set bevat 63 rijk geïllustreerde kaarten en een uitgebreid handboek met uitleg over verschillende leggingen en interpretaties. Je ontvangt het deck in een luxe verpakking.


Uitgebreide recensie:


Designed by Kim Krans Large Keepsake Box with Lifting Ribbon 63 Full-Color Cards in Elegant Compact Box Illustrated, hand-lettered 208 Page Guidebook The artist behind the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook helps seekers of all levels expand their practice of self-discovery with this breathtaking keepsake boxed set featuring an oracle deck and guidebook, inspired by real and mythical animals. Hand drawn in Krans’s detailed and emotionally evocative style, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook is a work of art that explores the mysteries of the natural world and the animal kingdom. Krans’s powerful animal archetypes offer insight into relationships, personalities, behaviors and tendencies and can be used alone or alongside The Wild Unknown Tarot to add an additional layer of depth to readings. The hand-lettered, fully illustrated guidebook offers grounded, easy to understand explanations of the cards, a detailed look at the many spreads, practices, and concepts that power the Animal Spirit deck, and deep insight into how each animal helps illuminate our contradictions, our complex natures, and the endless mystery of who we are. The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook celebrates the hidden wisdom of the creatures that inhabit our world and beyond, and reveals how we are all connected in the complex and wondrous web of life.